Sunday, May 22, 2005

D70, oh D70, where art thou my D70

Sigh... after the traumatizing fax from the Nikon service center. I m just standing by for dear Emily to call me with the good news.(in case my girlfriend reads this, Emily is the lady maning/ i mean womaning the counter at the service center)
In the mean time, I got myself a new DVD burner for a total of RM175: warranty one month... Well, this is the second DVD burner I got.. the first one was returned (with the first day) because the tray would come out and no light come on.. DEFECTIVE.. luckily for me, my friend manage to get this second BURNER.
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Then I slap the D70 Sticker that another friend gave me... Finally found a place for the sticker hahahaha...

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